Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What is the definition of irony?


Do not ever under estimate the power of being complacent! We just became comfortable and in quite a quant groove of life and then change happened!! I am now AGAIN alone without my hubby. He has been sent on a job assignment in New Orleans and may be there for 2 months. The hardest most difficult part of this is that I am away from my entire family and all of my friends. I am the only one here with the 5 kids and am not sure how sane I will be in the end. James is in Colorado as we speak on a layover; resting and visiting with the family; and will be in New Orleans by Wednesday.

I am soooo sad! My depression was pretty severe this weekend after his departure and I can’t say that I was honest with my weight loss plan.

I can only pray for a speedy, no incident job for him in hopes for him to return very quickly! I am fasting right now until I am sure he has arrived safely AND then on to my liquid fast for 10 days.

Come home in one piece my love!

OH - AND kudos to my mentor (you know who you are) for already pulling me outta my funk! Thanks and love ya!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What happens after the snow???? Just look!!

Record amounts of rain ADDED to the snow melt~
And tornados? In Washington - WHAT??

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Goals~

I have had A LOT of time this last few weeks with not only my kiddos being home from school but with James (home from work 'cuz of weather) to count my so many blessings. AND coming out of this last holiday season, I have come to realize how so very important family and friends are. I reflect now on the time I spent in company of those that are dearest to me save it my own kids and it is extremely difficult to be here so far away from them all. While I have been busy during the last few weeks, the spirit has given me several reminders of what I do have and what I should be thankful for. The gospel, the temple, my health, the scriptures, my children, the preisthood - the list goes on. AS WELL as the areas in my life that I must improve upon each and every day.
This brought me to my New Years Goals - I have committed to myself and the Lord to
A. Make my home a place of peace, love, safely, learning & Christ centered
B. Continue to teach my children the gosple of Christ as instructed by the prophet
C. Do what needs to be done to heal my body and repair the damage I have caused it

SO - I look to those of you that are my support and my life rafts to aid me and to be a constant example of what I can be; of my potential. For if I can be just a fraction of what Christ is, I do have a chance in this world!