Thursday, December 18, 2008

Job update~

Just wanted to share with everyone that I scored a 96.36 % on my State dispatch test. I scored in the top 1% of the testing group (about 120 people) and 1 of 3 people who were asked to move forward in the process. Cross your fingers for me and wish me luck on the polygraph test - no studying for that one - LOL!


The Alaska Coyles said...

Wow, this is wonderful. Good job! I thought you were going to be a stay at home mom? When do you take the poly test? Is there anything else after that? What kind of questions were on the test?

The Jones Family said...

This job will still allow me a lot of time at home. I will work 6 hours at night from 9-330am. I still get to sleep and have time with the kidos during the day. things wont change much - I will just be drinking more fortune! LOL ... Test was extremely easy - We listened to real 911 calls and than were asked questions about specifics of the call. After the Poly, I do the interview which is with a panel of people w/ basic questions.