Friday, December 26, 2008

My attempt at Holiday Pictures

In the spirit of the Holidays, we were trying to capture fun and love!
Christmas 2008

Emily - Age 11
Lance - age 9
Trinity aka little princess - age 7
Kael - age 3
Alma - age 7 months (almost)

Our Day in the Snow

Well actually it was more like 30 minutes!

This is our Charlie Brown tree - we can't seem to part with it!
We have had this tree since our very first Christmas together.

Kael and his new Elmo
He isn't choking him, promise!

"Is it real 'skin' mom?" LOL

How big really can they make these things -

1 - 2 - 3 ... and in the mouth it goes!

"And I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad for their support..."

I am waiting to open another gift - meanwhile I will just

look cute in this cozy chair!

My pope hat!!

(this is an extra large baby hat by the way)

What would we do without our little helper!

It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone! We have had a lot of changes this last 365 and though some were good and some bad, I can honestly say I am a better person for the trials the Lord has given me!

I had an extremely rough holiday season being without those of you that are most dear to my heart and even those of you that I loathe (just kidding, I love every one of you)! I most especially miss all my kidos back at home as well as those in distant lands such as Alaska – LOL!

I hope that the year to come we can all make honest, worthy, smart, measurable resolutions and share both our accomplishments & failures with one another. Let’s keep up with our blogs so that when the time passes as fast as it does, it doesn’t appear that we have missed much! Stay in contact - remember birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Buy a calendar and call everyone you know and put their birthday on it! If you don't have a phone number or email, then call me and I will try to get it for you!

***One thing that I would like to do is have a scheduled time each month that we can share our testimonies with each other; perhaps on fast Sunday; and to also have a monthly favorite scripture/hymn/church history tid bit. Maybe I and Lynda can work together to create a blog dedicated to just these items/actions! It's all about perfecting the saints!!!

I am working on getting some pics uploaded of our holiday here in Washington so be patient while I do that AND I look forward to seeing all of you do the same!

Love and hugs from the apparently new NORTH POLE headquarters (hence the 12" of snow)!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Job update~

Just wanted to share with everyone that I scored a 96.36 % on my State dispatch test. I scored in the top 1% of the testing group (about 120 people) and 1 of 3 people who were asked to move forward in the process. Cross your fingers for me and wish me luck on the polygraph test - no studying for that one - LOL!

Walkin in a Winter Wonder Land - Literally!

Wait ~ I thought I moved away from the snow!
A picture of our neighborhood .. Hot Cocoa anyone?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My trip to the Police Station

Our tour of the Police StationMy cubby group (except Allie)
I'm checkin out the cop car - I promise I wont take it!

Ready - Set - RUN

This is where they keep the really bad kids!

Created by Lance for our family to see!

~Kael's Birthday Party~

Emily, Lance, Kael & Trinity

(o: Silly Faces :0)

Alma "Let's partaaay!"

"Stayin' Alive..."

"Oh, I l-o-v-e ELMO!"

Me and Dad

"I didn't get into the frosting - promise!"

I wish for more ELMO

"OHHH - You tickled Elmo. Hahahahaha!"

Watch out Dad - now you have some competition!